A New Look

Should I update my logo? Should we go for a new look?

Your logo should be current, but also timeless – two characteristics that sound a bit contradictory. So how do you get there?

Some of the best and most lasting logo marks are those that have stood the test of time – that haven’t changed for years. These are typically simple, clean, and easy to remember. They don’t rely on really trendy fonts. Their colors aren’t so out-of-the-ordinary that they would appeal to only a small population or for a short period of time. You may see minor tweaks here and there over the years, but the core image remains the same and continues to build upon a solid foundation of recognition in the community.

So when it comes to your logo, these same standards can be employed. Keep it simple. Keep it clean and functional. Make sure that it is easy to remember. Check it out at tiny sizes. Mock it up on your swag. And then keep it.

It’s tempting get swept up in a new trend, or to unveil a whole new look when other big changes are made in your organization, but those are times when it is even more important for your identity to remain strong, consistent, and recognized. That little logo has a big job; but its success is incremental over time. So keep it around, and watch the momentum gain with each passing year and every thoughtfully ignored trend.

Marketing, DesignJulie Meyer